新西兰新奥华人社团联合会成功举办“中华端午阖家同乐日”活动,弘扬传统文化促进中新文化交流 The New Zealand Chinese Association Successfully Hosts "Chinese Dragon Boat Festival Family Fun Day," Promoting Traditional Culture and Sino-New Zealand Cultural Exchange
2024年6月1日,新西兰新奥华人社团联合会/奥克兰西区华人协会(会长朱仁德)和The Corban Eastate Arts Center (Luana Walker 中心负责人)在奥克兰 2 Mount Lebanon Lane, Henderson, Auckland成功举办了“中华端午阖家同乐日”活动。此次盛会吸引了包括Carmel Sopuloni 工党副党魁,新西兰国会议员、Shane Henderson奥克兰市议会怀塔克雷地区议员The Auckland Councilor for Waitakere Ward、Kay-Thomas Whau地区议会主席 The Chairperson of Whau Local Board、Peter Chen Henderson-Massey 地区议会议员The Henderson Massey District Councilor、奥克兰中国文化中心主任王建文、新中友好协会奥克兰分会主席Mike Dawson、新西兰华商俱乐部和华商联合总会主席杨健博士、奥克兰屋仑华侨会所主席David Tai、太平洋文化艺术发展协会会长和志耘等在内的40多名嘉宾侨领和多民族知名人士,以及数百余名华人社团会员、当地居民共同参与。
Auckland, NZ, June 2, 2024 – On June 1, 2024, The Waitakere Chinese Association and Chinese Association of West Auckland (led by President Zhu Rende) and The Corban Estate Arts Center (headed by Luana Walker) successfully hosted the "Chinese Dragon Boat Festival Family Fun Day" at 2 Mount Lebanon Lane, Henderson, Auckland. The grand event attracted over 40 distinguished guests and community leaders, including Carmel Sepuloni, Deputy Leader of the Labour Party and New Zealand Member of Parliament, Shane Henderson, Auckland City Councilor for Waitakere Ward, Kay-Thomas, Chairperson of Whau Local Board, Peter Chen, Henderson-Massey District Councilor, Wang Jianwen, Director of Auckland Chinese Cultural Center, Mike Dawson, President of the New Zealand China Friendship Society Auckland Branch, Dr. Yang Jian, President of the New Zealand Chinese Business Club and Chinese Business United General Association, David Tai, President of the Auckland Chinese Society, and Wang Zhiyun, President of the Pacific Culture and Arts Development Association, along with hundreds of Chinese community members and local residents.
本次活动由新西兰新奥华人社团联合会/奥克兰西区华人协会和The Corban Eastate Arts Center主办,太平洋文化发展协会、百花艺术团、新西兰华人企业家协会、青岛同乡会协办,得到了各界的大力支持,包括当地社区、各华人社团和各大媒体单位。在活动现场,新西兰33电视台进行了采访报道,并在活动前期进行了广泛宣传。此次活动旨在传承中国传统文化,促进中新文化交流,增强社区凝聚力。The event was organized by the New Zealand The Waitakere Chinese Association and Chinese Association of West Auckland and The Corban Estate Arts Center, with co-organization from the Pacific Cultural Development Association, Baihua Arts Troupe, New Zealand Chinese Entrepreneurs Association, and Qingdao Association. It received substantial support from various sectors, including local communities, Chinese associations, and major media outlets. New Zealand Channel TV 33 conducted interviews and extensively promoted the event beforehand. The event aimed to pass on traditional Chinese culture, promote Sino-New Zealand cultural exchange, and enhance community cohesion.
本次活动以庆祝中国传统节日端午节为主题,展示了丰富的传统文化内涵。通过各种互动环节,参与者深入了解和体验了端午节的魅力。现场不仅有传统的舞狮、旱船游行,还有精彩的舞龙表演、民乐演奏和舞蹈表演,为观众呈现了一场视听盛宴。The event celebrated the traditional Chinese festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, showcasing its rich cultural significance. Through various interactive activities, participants delved into and experienced the charm of the Dragon Boat Festival. The event featured traditional lion dances, dry boat parades, spectacular dragon dances, folk music performances, and dance shows, offering a visual and auditory feast for the audience.
此次活动不仅弘扬了中华文化,还促进了中新文化交流,增进了在新西兰的华人华侨与各华人社团及当地社区的凝聚力。活动内容丰富多彩,包括中国传统文化节目、新西兰各大华人社团的特色表演、当地毛利舞蹈以及中国传统服饰展示等。特别值得一提的是,毛利舞蹈与中国传统文化展示相得益彰,让参与者体验到了多元文化的交融与魅力。This event not only promoted Chinese culture but also facilitated Sino-New Zealand cultural exchange, enhancing the cohesion between the Chinese community in New Zealand, various Chinese associations, and the local community. The event was colorful, including traditional Chinese cultural programs, special performances by major Chinese associations in New Zealand, local Maori dances, and Chinese traditional costume displays. Notably, the integration of Maori dance and traditional Chinese culture allowed participants to experience the charm of cultural diversity.此外,活动还设有儿童游乐区、传统工艺展示以及美食摊位,为观众提供了丰富多样的体验和品味。通过这次活动,参与者不仅共同度过了一个难忘的端午佳节,也加深了对中华文化的了解与认同,促进了中新两国之间的文化交流与合作。Additionally, the event featured a children's play area, traditional crafts displays, and food stalls, offering a variety of experiences and tastes for the audience. Through this event, participants not only enjoyed an unforgettable Dragon Boat Festival but also deepened their understanding and appreciation of Chinese culture, promoting cultural exchange and cooperation between China and New Zealand.
在欢声笑语中,活动圆满结束。各界人士纷纷表示,期待未来能够举办更多类似的文化交流活动,以进一步加强中新两国的友好关系和文化理解。The event concluded successfully amid laughter and joy. People from all walks of life expressed their hopes for more similar cultural exchange events in the future to further strengthen the friendly relations and cultural understanding between China and New Zealand.
Schedule 日常活动安排
dancing 舞蹈
Tue,Thu,Fri 周二,四, 五
10:00 am - 12:00 pm 1:00 pm - 3 pm 上午10点至12点 下午1点至3点
Main Hall 舞台大厅
social dance 交谊舞
8:00 pm - 10 pm晚8点至10点
Main Hall 舞台大厅
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